Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How to Help in Puerto Rico

According to USGS, one region of Puerto Rico experienced 188 earthquakes over magnitude 2.5 in the last 10 days. 15 quakes were over magnitude 4.0, six over magnitude 5.0 and one, this morning, was magnitude 6.4.

Five of the quakes over magnitude 5.0 occurred in the last 24 hours alone. 

(and that's just by the time I write this email)

Impacted communities are still recovering from Hurricane Maria's direct hit just over two years ago.
Damage assessments are just beginning.  However, we know local organizations are already there and will continue to be there long after the news cameras head home.

Consider supporting a local organization operating in the impacted area here: https://www.smartresponse.org/prquake 
Please spread the word.  Local organizations often see only a small percentage of the funds donated -- and these organizations shared enough information with SmartResponse to get listed.  I hope they benefit from the generosity that follows these difficult times.

In addition to supporting these
organizations' community efforts, they should also be rewarded for their transparency and early participation in SmartResponse. Much of the information collected by SmartResponse is not available elsewhere. 

About SmartResponse

Disaster Accountability Project launched SmartResponse to improve the effectiveness of disaster relief by helping donors connect directly to organizations operating locally. SmartResponse also incentivizestransparency and data-sharing across the humanitarian sector.

SmartResponse continues to grow with now over 470 organizations self-registered from over 45 countries and 20 U.S. states and territories. New organizations register and share data on the platform daily.

SmartResponse is not an intermediary and does not process donations on behalf of the organizations listed. Donation buttons lead to each organization's respective donation page and organizations handle/process their own donations.

SmartResponse is fully independent of the organizations listed and does not charge organizations for their listings nor take a percentage on donations made directly to groups. SmartResponse relies on donations to offer this valuable public service.  

Make a tax-deductible donation to support DAP and SmartResponse today!