Thursday, December 28, 2023

Organizations on the front-line of climate disasters, conflict, and other humanitarian crises

Below, learn about 27 inspiring organizations on the front-lines of climate disasters, conflict, and other humanitarian crises in Peru, Morocco, Pakistan, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Bangladesh, and more. Many of the crises described below do not make headlines.

You can contact and support each organization directly.

Our growing list now includes over 650 organizations from over 65 countries and 25 U.S. states and territories.

We are helping 5 local communities in Meknes, Morocco overcome the drought crisis occurring in these areas, and we need 30,000 euros to aid them in getting through this crisis.

REEDS is responding to the Flood Disaster 2022 in Punjab and Sindh, we still need 50000 to 70000 Euro for DRR and women Enterprises development for sustainable livelihoods.

We are helping vulnerable and low-income people affected by the El Niño 2023 phenomenon.

At the moment we would like to support at least 500 such vulnerable and marginalized women and girls for boosting their daily earning income through various types of income generating activities and need $125,000 USD to assist as the capital for small business.

Funding needs of WUZDA Ghana are around climate smart agriculture activities evolving around agro ecological agriculture to assist manage and protect the following: Reduce climate vulnerabilities of local people and communities, Improve food security needs of local people and communities, Protect and improve water security for food requirements of local people and communities, Reduce land and water conflicts in communities.

The greatest need of Community Action for Sustainable Development in Sierra Leone is funding to furnish its Office, pay allowances for the volunteers and keep on its disaster mitigation community engagement project in Sierra Leone.

The organisation needs funding to assist 60 women farmers to adopt new practices of farming and to adopt to climate change.

We are still responding to last year's response to Cyclone Freddy victims and are looking forward to Reducing the Disaster Risk for the Next Rainy Season, the Amount Required is $50,000 for the intervention.

The Coastal Bend Food Bank has seen an increase in demand; we are helping families and individuals impacted by the economy. Food prices continue to increase, and paychecks don’t reach as far as they used to. We ensure that people don’t choose between buying food or paying rent.

Our "Greatest Need" in 2024 is $20,000 to purchase adult incontinence supplies to be given free-of-charge to dependent, homeless, and handicapped adults in our community.

We are still serving flood-impacted communities and need 20,000 USD to provide overdue healthcare services.

We work with farmers and farming groups, who are formalizing their land rights under the new Land Rights Law of Liberia but who are beginning to experience the shock of climate change, and will need to be supported to prepare mitigation measures: Critical need is to support 50 community farming groups with critical inputs valued at around $100.00 each.

We are helping households with malnourished children after a prolonged drought in Turkana County and need 30,000 USD to donate food and supplements.

Regrettably, we've only been able to address 30% of the population affected by the 2022-23 floods. The remaining victims are still in desperate need, and we now require USD 450,000 to sustain rehabilitation efforts for these communities.

We are helping Delta and Bayelsa States communities in the Niger Delta Region affected by flood and need $30,000 USD to provide relief materials, foods and shelters

Following the Heavy rains and Hail storm in Buhera and Chikomba District we are in need of US$50,000.00 to support the affected families

We are still serving the August 28th flood-impacted communities across the Western Urban and Pujehun districts and need 40,000 USD to sustain the provision of under-five child healthcare and water quality monitoring.

PEP Liberia is planning to help 200 small holder farmers to sustain their productions in anticipation of the dry season and needs $40,000 USD.

We would like to provide our support to young girls/women who live in vulnerable neighborhoods and who suffer from sexual violence, for an amount of 35,000 US dollars.

We provide critical assistance to refugees on the move and need 30 000 USD to ensure that their needs are met.

EHSAR needs 40000 USD to Provide winterized kits to 2000 families of snow bound areas at Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan.

The Earthquake in Jajarkot has made difficult to the poor and Dalit family so please if you have such project kindly support us on food and warm cloths to support to Earthquake affected families.

Pakistan’s deadly floods affected most of the province of Baluchistan. Umeed Partnership Pakistan plans to provide 1500 food (dry ration) packages to 1500 flood affected, displaced, needy and hungry families in Quetta for which we need US$50,000.

Financial support to enable the organization reach out to indigent and vulnerable lives to access healthcare services throughout a year.

The Hamdam Development Organization (HDO) is still serving flood-impacted communities and urgently needs 35,000 USD to provide overdue WASH services.

We are helping extremely poor people affected by cold wave in the northern region of Bangladesh by proving warm cloths/blankets and need 40,000 USD to support 10000 people.

PELO is responding to floods and landslides that occurred in December 2 in Hanang, Tanzania and is in need of 66,546 USD to support food, shelter, livelihood and mosquito nets for 3000 needy survivors.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

November 2023 - 7 New Organizations Approved to Join SmartResponse

In November, the following SEVEN (7) organizations joined SmartResponse:

•  Bangladesh: Somaj Unnoyan Karjocrom-SUK

•  Colombia: Fundacion Equipo Scout de Emergencia Region Quindío

•  Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Justice-Plus

•  Kenya: Kyle Gabriel Foundation

•  Morocco: Association planète verte pour l'environnement et le développement durable

•  Poland: Fundacja Inicjatywa Dom Otwarty

•  Poland: Fundacja Q