Sunday, September 8, 2019

August 2019 - SmartResponse - New Organizations and Survey Updates

Newly Added Organizations (50) in August 2019

* indicates both general background and location surveys complete

* Ghana: Centre For Initiative Against Human Trafficking
Ghana: Centre for Capacity Improvement for the Well-being of the Vulnerable (CIWED)
Ghana: Care-Love Charity Foundation
Ghana: WUZDA Ghana
Ghana: HURDS Foundation-Ghana
Ghana: Pan African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children
Ghana: ARK Development Organization
Ghana: Simli AiD
Ghana: Muslim Family Counselling Services

Nigeria: Ohaha Family Foundation
Nigeria: Youths for Peace Building & Development in AFrica -YOUPEDA (World Faith Chapter Nigeria)
Nigeria: Development Education and Advocacy Resources for Africa (DEAR Africa)
Nigeria: Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative
Nigeria: Youth Initiative for Sustainable Human Development in Africa
Nigeria: Women Aid Collective {WACOL}
Nigeria: Global Health Awareness Research Foundation (GHARF)
Nigeria: Environmental and Rural Mediation Centre (ENVIRUMEDIC) 

Pakistan: Fast Rural Development Program
Pakistan: Sukaar Welfare Organization
Pakistan: Young Welfare Society (YWS)
Pakistan: ISSP
Pakistan: Sungi Development Foundation

* Haiti: Action Secours Ambulance (ASA)
Haiti: Union des Amis Socio Culturels d'Action en Developpement (UNASCAD)
Haiti: Initiative Citoyenne du Nord-Oeust Pour la Democratie et le Developpement ( ICINOD)

India: Gautam Buddha Jagriti Society
India: CADME (Coastal Area Disaster Mitigation Efforts)
India: Doers

Bangladesh: KOTHOWAIN (vulnerable peoples development organization) in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Bangladesh: Voice of South Bangladesh
Bangladesh: JAGO NARI
Bangladesh: Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP)

* Tanzania: Promotion Of Education Link Organization (PELO)

Nepal: Asal Chhimekee Nepal
Nepal: Dalit Welfare Organization (DWO)

Cameroon: GEADIRR
Cameroon: Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association Cameroon

* Cambodia: Live & Learn Cambodia

Burkina Faso: Réseau des Jeunes Sahéliens pour le Climat
North Carolina (USA): Diaper Bank of North Carolina

Uganda: Partners for Community Health and Develoment Organisation (PACHEDO)

Zimbabwe: Save Our Environment Trust 

Mauritania: Association nessere pour l'Agriculture et le Développement - ANAD

Rwanda: Manadisaster Organization

Florida (USA): United Way of Broward County

Guinea: Cercle des Formateurs et Acteurs Communautaires de Guinée



Iraq: Together to protect Human & the Environment Association

Massachusetts (USA): All Hands and Hearts - Smart Response

Myanmar: Community Development Association

Location Surveys Updated in August 2019

* indicates location survey is complete

* Ghana: Centre For Initiative Against Human Trafficking (completed location survey)
Ghana: Centre for Capacity Improvement for the Well-being of the Vulnerable (CIWED) (location survey)
Ghana: WUZDA Ghana (location survey)
Ghana: ARK Development Organization (location survey)
Ghana: HURDS Foundation-Ghana (location survey)
Ghana: Initiative For The Development of Africa (IDA-Ghana) (location survey)

* Puerto Rico (USA): Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (completed location survey)
Puerto Rico: Instituto Pre-Vocacional e Industrial de Puerto Rico (location survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): ESCAPE, Centro de Fortalecimiento Familiar (location survey)

* India: Humanitarian Aid International (completed location survey)
India: Centre for Youth Development and Activities (location survey)

* Haiti: Action Secours Ambulance (ASA) (completed location survey)
Haiti: RNVPDLH (location survey)

* Tanzania: Promotion Of Education Link Organization (PELO) (completed location survey) 
Tanzania: Comparatively for Tanzania Elites Community Organizers (CTECO) (location survey)

Nigeria: Ohaha Family Foundation (location survey)
Nigeria: Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative (location survey)

Nepal: Friends Service Council Nepal (location survey)
Nepal: Center for Development and Disaster Management Nepal (CDM-Nepal) (location survey)

Bangladesh: Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP) (location survey) 
Bangladesh: Voice of South Bangladesh (location survey)

* South Sudan: South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO) (completed location survey)

* Indonesia: IBU Foundation (completed location survey)

Zimbabwe: Rosa Foundation Zimbabwe (completed location survey)

* Cambodia: Live & Learn Cambodia (completed location survey)

* Pakistan: Hamdam Development Organization (completed location survey) 

Sri Lanka: EMACE Foundation of Sri Lanka (location survey)

Cameroon: Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association Cameroon (location survey)

New York (USA): Cooper Square Community Development Committee (location survey)

Uganda: Partners for Community Health and Develoment Organisation (PACHEDO) (location survey)

Mauritania: Association nessere pour l'Agriculture et le Développement - ANAD (location survey)

General Background Surveys Updated in August 2019

* indicates general background survey is complete

* Ghana: Centre For Initiative Against Human Trafficking (completed general survey)
* Ghana: Centre for Capacity Improvement for the Well-being of the Vulnerable (CIWED) (completed general survey)
* Ghana: ARK Development Organization (completed general survey)
* Ghana: Simli AiD (completed general survey)
* Ghana: Initiative For The Development of Africa ( IDA-Ghana) (completed general survey)
Ghana: WUZDA Ghana (general survey)
Ghana: HURDS Foundation-Ghana (general survey)
Ghana: Muslim Family Counselling Services (general survey)

* Nigeria: Ohaha Family Foundation (completed general survey)
* Nigeria: Youth Initiative for Sustainable Human Development in Africa (completed general survey)
* Nigeria: Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative (completed general survey)
* Nigeria: Environmental and Rural Mediation Centre (ENVIRUMEDIC) (completed general survey)
Nigeria: Youths for Peace Building & Development in AFrica -YOUPEDA (World Faith Chapter Nigeria)  (general survey)
Nigeria: Global Health Awareness Research Foundation (GHARF) (general survey)

* Bangladesh: PARIBARTAN (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: KOTHOWAIN (vulnerable peoples development organization) in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: JAGO NARI (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: Participatory Development Action Program (PDAP) (completed general survey) 
* Bangladesh: Voice of South Bangladesh (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: Dhaka Ahsania Mission (completed general survey)

* Pakistan: Pak Women (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Hamdam Development Organization (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Alshahbaz Women Organization (ASWO) (completed general survey) 
Pakistan: Fast Rural Development Program (general survey)

* Puerto Rico (USA): Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico: Instituto Pre-Vocacional e Industrial de Puerto Rico (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico (USA): ESCAPE, Centro de Fortalecimiento Familiar (completed general survey)

* Nepal: Dalit Welfare Organization (DWO) (completed general survey)
* Nepal: Center for Development and Disaster Management Nepal (CDM-Nepal) (completed general survey)
Nepal: Friends Service Council Nepal (general survey)

* Haiti: Action Secours Ambulance (ASA) (completed general survey)
* Haiti: Initiative Citoyenne du Nord-Oeust Pour la Democratie et le Developpement (ICINOD)  (completed general survey)
Haiti: RNVPDLH (general survey)

* India: Humanitarian Aid International (completed general survey)
* India: Gautam Buddha Jagriti Society (completed general survey)

* Uganda: Uganda National Association for the Hard of Hearing UNAHOH (completed general survey)
* Uganda: Partners for Community Health and Develoment Organisation (PACHEDO) (completed general survey)

* Zimbabwe: Rosa Foundation Zimbabwe (completed general survey)
* Zimbabwe: Save Our Environment Trust (completed general survey)

* Tanzania: Promotion Of Education Link Organization (PELO) (completed general survey)
Tanzania: Comparatively for Tanzania Elites Community Organizers (CTECO) (general survey)

* Indonesia: IBU Foundation (completed general survey)

* Cameroon: Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association Cameroon (completed general survey)

* Sri Lanka: EMACE Foundation of Sri Lanka (completed general survey)

* South Sudan: South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO) (completed general survey)

* Malta: MOAS (completed general survey)

* New York (USA): Cooper Square Community Development Committee (completed general survey)

* Cambodia: Live & Learn Cambodia (completed general survey)

* Mauritania: Association nessere pour l'Agriculture et le Développement - ANAD (completed general survey)


Guinea: Cercle des Formateurs et Acteurs Communautaires de Guinée (general survey)

Massachusetts (USA): All Hands and Hearts - Smart Response (general survey)

Monday, August 5, 2019

July 2019 - SmartResponse - New Organizations and Survey Updates

New Disasters Added:

Monsoon Floods - Nepal, Bangladesh, India:

Hurricane Barry - Louisiana (USA):

Newly Added Organizations (19) in July 2019

* indicates both general and location surveys complete

Nepal: Volunteer Corps Nepal
Nepal: Himalayan Risk Research Institute
Nepal: Institute of Himalayan Risk Reduction (IHRR)
Nepal: Centre for Disaster Management Studies
Nepal: Child Nepal
Nepal: Friends Service Council Nepal
Nepal: Nepal Creative House
Nepal: Center for Development and Disaster Management Nepal (CDM-Nepal)
Nepal: School of Shelter and Environment

Indonesia: Habitat for Humanity Indonesia
* Indonesia: Bangun Indonesia Foundation 
Indonesia: Yayasan Sigap Kerlip Indonesia

Liberia: People Empowerment Program 
Liberia: Youth Focus Center

Mali:  Croix Rouge Malienne
Mali: Initiative Pour Assistance et le Developpement au Mali IAD-MALI 

India: Centre for Youth Development and Activities

Philippines:  Life Haven Center for independent Living

Location Surveys Updated in July 2019

* indicates completed location survey

* India: Paribartan,odisha (completed location survey)
* India: Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Organisation (completed location survey)
* India: Oxfam India (completed location survey)
* India: Humanitarian Aid International (completed location survey)
India: Centre for Youth Development and Activities (location survey)
India: Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council (location survey)

* Nepal: Youth Alliance for Environment (YAE) (completed location survey)
Nepal: Volunteer Corps Nepal (location survey)
Nepal: EpiNurse (location survey)

* Indonesia: Bangun Indonesia Foundation (BIF) (completed location survey)
Indonesia: IBU Foundation (location survey)

* Bangladesh: Garib Unnayan Sangstha (completed location survey)
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament (location survey)

* Puerto Rico (USA): Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (completed location survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): Centro de Ayuda y Terapia al Niño con Impedimento, Inc. (location survey)
* Pakistan: Hamdam Development Organization (completed location survey) 

* Louisiana (USA): Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (completed location survey)

* South Sudan:
 South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO) (completed location survey)

Liberia: People Empowerment Program (location survey)

Maldives: Emace (location survey)

Haiti: Partners in Health / Zanmi Lasante (location survey)

Malta: MOAS (location survey)

Zimbabwe: Rosa Foundation Zimbabwe (location survey)

General Surveys Updated in July 2019

* indicates completed general survey

* India: VIEWS (completed general survey)
* India: Centre for Youth Development and Activities (completed general survey)
* India: Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council (completed general survey)
* India: Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Organisation (completed general survey)
* India: Southern Health Improvement Samity (completed general survey)
* India: Oxfam India (completed general survey)
* India: SRI NRUSINGHA DEV ANCHALIKA YUBA PARISADA (completed general survey)
* India: Humanitarian Aid International (completed general survey)
India: Kerala Social Service Forum (general survey)
India: The Janaki Foundation (general survey)
India: Just Sewa Society (general survey)
* Nepal: Center of Resilient Development (CoRD) (completed general survey)
* Nepal: Volunteer Corps Nepal (completed general survey)
* Nepal: Himalayan Risk Research Institute (completed general survey)
* Nepal: Youth Alliance for Environment (YAE) (completed general survey)
* Nepal: Child Nepal (completed general survey)
Nepal: Centre for Disaster Management Studies (general survey)

* Puerto Rico (USA): Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico (USA): Centro de Ayuda y Terapia al Niño con Impedimento, Inc. (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico (USA): ACUDE, Inc (completed general survey)

* Pakistan: Direct Focus Community Aid (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Pak Women (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Hamdam Development Organization (completed general survey) 

* Indonesia: Bangun Indonesia Foundation (BIF) (completed general survey)
* Indonesia: IBU Foundation (completed general survey)

* Bangladesh: Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: PARIBARTAN (completed general survey)
* Haiti/USA: Partners in Health / Zanmi Lasante (completed general survey)
* Haiti: Fonkoze (completed general survey)

* Louisiana (USA): (completed general survey)

* Liberia: People Empowerment Program (completed general survey)

* Sri Lanka/Maldives: Emace (completed general survey)

* South Sudan: South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO) (completed general survey)

* Malta: MOAS (completed general survey)

* Uganda: Uganda National Association for the Hard of Hearing UNAHOH (completed general survey)

* Maryland (USA): Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies (completed general survey)

* Washington (USA): Northwest Harvest (completed general survey)

* Zimbabwe: Rosa Foundation Zimbabwe (completed general survey)

Burkina Faso: Alliance Technique d'Assistance au Developpement (ATAD) Kaya, Burkina Faso (general survey)

Japan: EpiNurse (general survey)

Sunday, June 30, 2019

March 2019 thru June 2019 - SmartResponse - New Organizations and Survey Updates

Newly Added Organizations (36) between March 2019 - June 2019

India: Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Organisation
India: AJSA(Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan)
India: Darabar Sahitya Sansad
India: SWATI
India: West Bengal Radio Club
India: Humanitarian Aid International
India: SAMPARK Trust
India: The Janaki Foundation
India: Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council
India: VIEWS
India: Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association
India: Oxfam India
India: Dantan Manav Kalyan Kendra
India: L Dey Road Sarada Society
India: Bagmari Mother and Child Development Mission
India: Paribartan,odisha
India: Kerala Social Service Forum

Nepal: Aasaman Nepal (ASN) 
Nepal: Youth Alliance for Environment (YAE)

Puerto Rico (USA): Movimiento para el Alcance de Vida Independiente
Puerto Rico (USA): Fundacion Lazos de Amor, Inc.

Burkina Faso: RESEAU MARP-Burkina
Burkina Faso: Alliance Technique d'Assistance au Developpement (ATAD) Kaya

South Sudan: South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO)

Uganda: Uganda National Association for the Hard of Hearing UNAHOH

Peru: Centro de Estudios y Prevención de Desastres

MA (USA): Partners in Health / Zanmi Lasante

MD (USA): Quixote Center

NC (USA): Manna Foodbank

Japan: EpiNurse

Dominican Republic: Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicana (SSID)

Nigeria: Youth Empowerment Solutions Project Initiative (YES PROJECT)

Tanzania: Comparatively for Tanzania Elites Community Organizers (CTECO)

Zimbabwe: Rosa Foundation Zimbabwe

Location Surveys Updated between March 2019 - June 2019

* India: Darabar Sahitya Sansad (completed location survey)
* India: Oxfam India (completed location survey)
India: Goonj (location survey)
India: Just Sewa Society (location survey)
India: Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Organisation (location survey)
India: Dantan Manav Kalyan Kendra (location survey)
India: VIEWS (location survey)
India: Paribartan,odisha (location survey)

* Pakistan: Save the Life organization (completed location survey) 
* Pakistan: Organization for Community Development (OCD) (completed location survey)
* Pakistan: Society for Human and Environmental Development (SHED) (completed location survey)

* Puerto Rico (USA): Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (completed location survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): Centros Sor Isolina Ferré (location survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): Dentistas Misioneros de Puerto Rico (location survey)

* Liberia: Rights and Rice Foundation (completed location survey)
* Burkina Faso: RESEAU MARP-Burkina (completed location survey)

* Washington (USA): Northwest Harvest (completed location survey)

South Sudan: South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO) (location survey)

Nigeria: Youth Empowerment Solutions Project Initiative (YES PROJECT) (location survey)

Haiti: Quixote Center (location survey)

Malta: MOAS (location survey)

Bangladesh: MOAS (location survey)

General Surveys Updated between March 2019 - June 2019

* India: Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council (completed general survey)
* India: Goonj (completed general survey)
* India: Oxfam India (completed general survey)
* India: Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust (completed general survey)
* India: Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Organisation (completed general survey)
* India: Darabar Sahitya Sansad (completed general survey)
* India: DAKSHIN PANIALGURI GRAM BIKASH SAMITY (completed general survey)
* India: SRI NRUSINGHA DEV ANCHALIKA YUBA PARISADA (completed general survey)
* India: VIEWS (completed general survey)
* India: Humanitarian Aid International (completed general survey)
India: Paribartan,odisha (completed general survey)
India: Just Sewa Society (general survey)
India: AJSA(Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan) (general survey)
India: SAMPARK TRUST (general survey)
India: Dantan Manav Kalyan Kendra (general survey)

* Pakistan: Direct Focus Community Aid (completed general survey) 
* Pakistan: Save the Life organization (completed general survey) 
* Pakistan: Organization for Community Development (OCD) (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Rural Education and Economic Development Society (REEDS) (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Welfare Association for New Generation  (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Society for Human and Environmental Development (SHED) (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Pakistan Development Network (completed general survey)
* Pakistan: Alshahbaz Women Organization (ASWO) (completed general survey)

* Puerto Rico (USA): Familias Capaces, Inc. (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico (USA): Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico (USA): Centros Sor Isolina Ferré (completed general survey)
* Puerto Rico (USA): Dentistas Misioneros de Puerto Rico (completed general survey)

* Bangladesh: Garib Unnayan Sangstha (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: PARIBARTAN (completed general survey)
* Bangladesh: Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK) (completed general survey)

* Burkina Faso: RESEAU MARP-Burkina (completed general survey)
Burkina Faso: Alliance Technique d'Assistance au Developpement (ATAD) Kaya, Burkina Faso (general survey)

* Nepal: Center of Resilient Development (CoRD) (completed general survey)
* Nepal: Youth Alliance for Environment (YAE) (completed general survey)

* The Philippines: Participatory Research, Organization of Communities and Education towards Struggle for Self-reliance (PROCESS) - Bohol, Inc. (completed general survey)

* Liberia: Rights And Rice Foundation (completed general survey)
* Washington (USA): Northwest Harvest (completed general survey)
* Virgin Islands (USA): Family Resource Center (completed general survey)

* MD (USA): Quixote Center (completed general survey)

* Uganda: Uganda National Association for the Hard of Hearing UNAHOH (completed general survey)

* South Sudan: South Sudan Development Agency (South Sudan - National NGO) (completed general survey)

* Nigeria: Youth Empowerment Solutions Project Initiative (YES PROJECT)  (completed general survey)

* Dominican Republic: Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicana (SSID)  (completed general survey)

* Malta: MOAS (completed general survey)

MA (USA): Partners in Health/ Zanmi Lasante (general survey)

Japan: EpiNurse (general survey)

Tanzania: Comparatively for Tanzania Elites Community Organizers (CTECO) (general survey)

Zimbabwe: Rosa Foundation Zimbabwe (general survey)