Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 1-15, 2018 - SmartResponse - New Organizations and Survey Updates

View August 1-15 Updates:

Added new Disaster:

Approved Organizations (14):

Puerto Rico (USA): AUTISM ALLIANCE OF PR Alianza de Autismo de PR 
Puerto Rico (USA): Centros Sor Isolina Ferré
Puerto Rico (USA): Instituto pre vocacional e industrial de PR (IPVI)
Puerto Rico (USA): VOCES Coalición de Vacunación de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico (USA): YMCA of San Juan
Puerto Rico (USA): Guara Bi Inc
Puerto Rico (USA): ESCAPE, Centro de Fortalecimiento Familiar
Puerto Rico (USA): APNI (Apoyo a Padres de Niños con Impedimentos) (Support to Parents of Children with Disabilities)

Louisiana (USA): HandsOn New Orleans 
Louisiana (USA): Camp Restore - New Orleans (RAI Ministries, Inc.)
Louisiana (USA): Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana

Thailand: Modchanaphai Foundation

Washington (USA): Snohomish Community Food Bank

Texas (USA): Coastal Bend Food Bank

Location Surveys:

Bangladesh: PARIBARTAN (location survey)
Bangladesh: Shushilan: (location survey)

Washington (USA): Heartline Ministries (location survey)

Haiti: Perspectives pour la Santé et le Développement (PESADEV) (location survey)

General Surveys:

Bangladesh: Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK): (general survey)
Bangladesh: PARIBARTAN (general survey)
Bangladesh: Garib Uannayan Sangsthana: (general survey)
Bangladesh: AID Foundation (general survey)
Bangladesh: GONOSHASTHAYA KENDRA (People Health Centre) (general survey)
Bangladesh: Shushilan: (general survey)
Bangladesh: Shastho Shikkha Seba Foundation(SSSF): (general survey)

Pakistan: Nahar King Welfare Organiization (NKWO) (general survey)
Pakistan: Rural Education and Economic Development Society (REEDS) (general survey)

Louisiana (USA): HandsOn New Orleans (general survey)
Louisiana (USA): Trach Mommas of Louisiana: (general survey)

Haiti: Perspectives pour la Santé et le Développement (PESADEV) (general survey)

Washington (USA)Snohomish Community Food Bank (general survey)

Puerto Rico (USA): Centros Sor Isolina Ferré (general survey)

Sunday, August 12, 2018

July 2018 - SmartResponse - New Organizations and Survey Updates

Approved Organizations (20)

Bangladesh: Manab Unnayan Kendra (MUK)
Bangladesh: Shastho Shikkha Seba Foundation (SSSF)
Bangladesh: Garib Uannayan Sangsthana 
Bangladesh: Shushilan 
Bangladesh: Aid Foundation 

Mexico: Mexican Association for Urban and Rural Transformation 
Mexico: Fundacion Michou y Mau I.A.P
Mexico: Sarahuaro, A.C.

Puerto Rico (USA): Familias Capaces, Inc.
Puerto Rico (USA): Centro de Ayuda y Terapia al Nino con Impedimento, Inc.

Louisiana (USA): Foundation for Louisiana 
Louisiana (USA): Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR)

Greece: Desmos 

Nepal: Phase Nepal

Haiti: Haiti Communitere

Chile: Fútbol Más Fundation

Liberia: Hope Alliance Liberia (HAL)

Florida (USA): Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida

New York (USA): Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project

Arizona (USA): Aliento

Location Survey Updates

Pakistan:  Alshahbaz Women Organization (ASWO): (location survey)
Pakistan: Save The Life Organization (location survey) 
Pakistan: Rural Education and Economic Development Society (REEDS) (location survey)

Mexico:  Fundacion Michou y Mau I.A.P.: (location survey)
Mexico:  Mexican Association for Urban and Rural Transformation:  (location survey)

Puerto Rico (USA): ACUDE: (location survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): Coalición de Coaliciones Pro Personas sin Hogar de PR, Inc. (location survey)

Bangladesh: Jhanjira Samaj Kallyan Sangstha (JSKS) (location survey)
Bangladesh: Shushilan: (location survey)

Nepal: Forum for Wildlife and Environment Preserve: (location survey)

Liberia: Hope Alliance Liberia (HAL): (location survey)

Philippines:  Participatory Research, Organization of Communities and Education towards Struggle for Self-reliance (PROCESS) - Bohol, Inc.: (location survey)

Sri Lanka: LEADS: (location survey)

Arizona (USA):  Aliento:  (location survey)

India: Indo Global Social Service Society: (location survey)

Haiti: SAKALA: (location survey)

California: California Association of Food Banks: (location survey)

General Background Survey Updates

Bangladesh: Integrated Rural Development Foundation (IRDF): (general survey)
Bangladesh: Shastho Shikkha Seba Foundation(SSSF): (general survey)
Bangladesh: Jhanjira Samaj Kallyan Sangstha (JSKS): (general survey)
Bangladesh: Shushilan: (general survey)
Bangladesh: Garib Uannayan Sangsthana: (general survey)
Bangladesh: Jagrata Juba Shangha (general survey)
Bangladesh: Nazrul Smriti Sangsad-NSS: (general survey)
Bangladesh: Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK): (general survey)

Puerto Rico (USA):  Caras con Causa: (general survey)
Puerto RIco (USA): Centro de Ayuda y Terapia al Nino (general survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): Familias Capaces, Inc. (general survey)
Puerto Rico (USA): Coalici�n de Coaliciones Pro Personas sin Hogar de PR, Inc. (general survey)

Pakistan:  Alshahbaz Women Organization (ASWO): (general survey)
Pakistan: Pakistan Development Network (general survey)
Pakistan: Rural Education and Economic Development Society (REEDS) (general survey)

Nepal:  Forum for Wildlife and Environment Preserve: (general survey)
Nepal: Shakti Samuha (general survey)

Liberia: Hope Alliance Liberia (HAL): (general survey)
Liberia: Self Help Initiative for Sustainable Development (SHIFSD) Liberia Program (general survey)

Haiti: PESADEV: (general survey)
Haiti/Washington: Heartline Ministries: (general survey)

Louisiana (USA): Trach Mommas of Louisiana: (general survey)
Louisiana (USA): Foundation for Louisiana: (general survey)

Mexico:  Fundacion Michou y Mau I.A.P. (general survey)
Mexico:  Mexican Association for Urban and Rural Transformation: (general survey)

Arizona (USA): Colibri Center for Human Rights (general survey)
Arizona (USA): Aliento:  (general survey)
California (USA): California Association of Food Banks: (general survey)

Greece: Khora Community Centre (general survey)